About Us

The Village was incorporated in March 2016 as RI’s only foster and adoptive family founded and governed support organization.
The Mission of the Village is to contribute to the development and maintenance of a robust network of healthy, committed, and well trained resource families for children in RI needing out of home care.
Our Vision:
Become a go-to destination for people considering resource parenting as well as a front line support for all new and existing resource parents.
Rhode Island will have enough high quality homes, with the aid of The Village’s recruitment efforts, to provide solid matches for all children in need of care. Family connections, culture and geography will become drivers in matching and there will be enough homes with the capacity to keep siblings together.
Through advocacy efforts, resource families will become viewed as integral members of a child’s support team. Birth families and their “issues” will be demystified for foster families. Foster families will routinely become acquainted with birth families and have the opportunity to develop healthy relationship with birth families when this is in the children’s best interest.
The Village will assist new resource parents in acquiring needed resources and equipment given the Open Closet. Most importantly, every child in care shall have a safe bed and, when required by law, a safe and unexpired car-seat.
Why Do Resource Families Need a Village?
Families need to be surrounded by people who can relate to their experiences
The child welfare system is complicated and difficult to navigate, people need an experienced guide
Referrals to experts from experienced resource parents is key
Opportunities to socialize for both parents and children
Different rules and parenting approaches are often needed for children in care