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View Upcoming Activities/Events by visiting the Special Events Tab under News and Events

It's almost that time of year again! 401Gives is one of the most impactful events of the year in which our friends, families and supporters donate to help raise funds for our programs.


401Gives, an initiative of United Way of Rhode Island, is a statewide day of giving on April 1st, 2025. The momentum of this day is fueled by the power of social media and collaborations.  Donations can also be made through 6pm on April 2, 2025.


Did you know that in 2024, 401Gives raised $3.8Million for 597 nonprofits, including ours!


You can make a difference with just one click!  View our profile and donate at:


Every donation, large or small is greatly appreciated!

Financial Assistance for RI Kinship Caregivers

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To learn about the Department of Human Service's Financial Assistance Program for RI Kinship caregivers, click through the links below.

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The Village Board of Directors and others who are invested in The Village meet periodically to identify and to prioritize resources to work toward common goals, in addition to defining our vision for the future in those priority areas. 

A Strategic Planning Meeting was held October of 2022 to do just that.  The document to the left was produced as a result of that meeting.

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The Village's Strategic Planning Meeting - 10/2/2022

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SUPPORT GROUPS - Scroll for details 

All Village Support and Socialization groups provide an opportunity for all parents to get out and meet other foster and adoptive parents and to relax, and share freely in a non-judgmental zone. Experienced Village foster parents will be on-hand to provide support and answer questions. The Village generally offers childcare for all in person support groups (currently on hold due to COVID-19)! It is a great opportunity for kids to socialize with others just like them! For planning purposes, registration is required at least 24 hours in advance. 

NEW Kinship Foster Parent Support Groups  

What is Kinship Care?  Kinship care refers to the care of children by grandparents, other relatives, close family friends or neighbors or anyone who has had a previous relationship with that family or child in care.  Relatives are the preferred resource for children who must be removed from their birth parents because it maintains the child's connections with their family.

The Village now offers 4 Kinship Foster Parent Support Groups throughout the month.  Kinship families are encouraged to attend these Support Groups, as at least one of our facilitators is a Kinship care provider and resource trainer. We recognize that Kinship foster care presents both unique and complex joys and challenges that are best addressed with other kinship families and facilitators.   See below for dates and times.  

GRANDPARENTS Kinship Support Group    CLICK  HERE  for more info.

2nd Monday of Every Month (unless noted on calendar due to holiday), 

2025 - 1/13, 2/10, 3/10, 4/14, 5/12 and 6/9/2025 - additional dates to be determined

from 8 to 9:30pm currently via Zoom

Calling all Grandparents!!  Grandparents of all ages are encouraged to attend this support group specifically coordinated for the needs of grandparents.  All groups will be meeting via Zoom. 

Spanish Speaking Kinship Support Group    CLICK  HERE  for more info.

3rd Wednesday of Every Month (unless noted or due to a holiday)

2025 - 1/15, 2/19, 3/19, 4/16, 5/21 and 6/18/2025 - addition al dates to be determined

from 6 - 8pm currently in-person at 95 Hathaway St in Providence

This Kinship Support Group meets every 3rd Wednesday of the month. For more information, contact Minolly Saborio.  While experienced foster and adoptive parents are available to facilitate, all Kinship Foster Parents contribute to providing understanding, friendship and real-life experiences with foster care and adoption. 

Cada tercer miércoles del mes. Para obtener más información, comuníquese con Minolly Saborio. Si bien los padres adoptivos y de crianza temporal con experiencia están disponibles para facilitar, todos los asistentes contribuyen a brindar comprensión, amistad y experiencias de la vida real con el cuidado de crianza y la adopción.

East/West Bay (Cranston) Kinship Support Group CLICK HERE for more info.

4th Tuesday of Every Month (unless noted or due to a holiday)*

2025 - 1/28, 2/25, 3/25, 4/22, 5/27 and 6/24/2025 - additional dates to be determined

from 6:30 - 8 pm currently via Zoom

Held monthly, on the 4th Tuesday of each month, our experienced foster and adoptive parents are on hand to facilitate all Kinship foster parents as everyone in attendance contributes to provide a safe, understanding space for all in which friendship and real life experiences are shared!

IN-PERSON Daytime Coffee and Conversation Group   


4th Wednesday of Every Month (unless noted or due to a holiday)*

2025 - 1/22, 2/26, 3/26, 4/23, 5/28 and 6/25/2025 - additional dates to be determined

from 10 to 11:30am 

*note - change in date due to holiday

Held monthly at our Village location currently, 139 Ocean Ave in Cranston, (location subject to change) on the 4th Wednesday (new in 2025) of each month, our experienced kinship and adoptive parents are on hand to facilitate this new daytime Kinship Family Support Group.  Join us in a safe place and share your life's successes, challenges and real-life experiences!


Central RI Village Peer Group    CLICK  HERE  for morinfo.

3rd Tuesday of Every Month (unless noted or due to a holiday)

2025 - 1/21, 2/18, 3/18, 4/15, 5/20 and 6/17/2025 - additional dates to be determined

from 6:30 to 8pm currently via Zoom

Held monthly at The Village office, 139 Ocean Ave. in Cranston, our centrally located group (when in person) is open to all foster and adoptive families. While experienced foster and adoptive parents are on hand to facilitate, everyone in attendance contributes to provide understanding, friendship, and real life experiences with foster care and adoption. 

Northern RI Peer Group    REGISTER HERE  more info.

2nd Wednesday of each month, 2025 - 1/8, 2/12, 3/12

3rd Thursday of each month beginning in April 2025

4/17, 5/15 and 6/19/2025 - additional dates to be determined

IN-PERSON from 6 to 8:00pm at The Pawtucket Public Library, 13 Summer St in Pawtucket (Campbell Auditorium)

This is a great opportunity for our Northern families to meet others in their area (when in person).  As with all our support and socialize groups, experienced Village parents will be on hand to provide support and answer questions in a relaxed, judgement free zone.  Pizza and drinks are provided for in person sessions - please be sure to register!  Click above for more info.

de Lengua Española   CLICK HERE  for more info.

Spanish Speaking Peer Group

LAST Tuesday of Every Month (unless noted or due to a holiday)*

2025 - 1/28, 2/25, 3/25, 4/29, 5/27 and 6/24/2025 - additional dates to be determined

from 6 to 8 pm currently in-person at 95 Hathaway St in Providence

Todos los últimos martes de cada mes. Para obtener más información, comuníquese con Minolly Saborio.  Mientras que los padres de crianza temporal y adoptivos experimentados están disponibles para facilitar, todos los asistentes contribuyen a proporcionar comprensión, amistad y experiencias de la vida real con el cuidado de crianza y la adopción. 

SINGLE RESOURCE PARENT Support Group   CLICK  HERE  for more info.

1st Monday of EVERY  Month (unless noted or due to a holiday)*

2025 - 1/6, 2/3, 3/3, 4/7, 5/5 and 6/2/2025 - additional dates to be determined

from 8 to 9:30pm 


You asked...we answered!!  The Village heard the voices of many of our Single Resource Parents and are happy to say we are able to provide you with our first Single Resource Parent Support Group.  This group will be held every OTHER month, on the 1st Monday of every other month virtually as many of our foster parents also attend other groups throughout the month.  Facilitated by Kim Zandy and Jessica Salter, all foster, adoptive and kinship Single Resource Parents are invited to join us in a safe place while you share your struggles, challenges and real-life foster care experiences all while navigating life as a single parent.  

About us

The Village was incorporated in March 2016 as RI’s only foster and adoptive family founded and governed support organization.


We offer support groups, peer mentoring, family activities and help accessing needed resources through our Open Closet. We also are a voice for the foster and adoptive community


We hold regular support groups and periodic family events. We will also post events of interest to our community hosted by others. Please check our calendar regularly and come join our community!

Help us help families
Because money doesn't grow on trees...or does it?
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